Monday, September 16, 2013

On Sunday morning I got out of bed and kissed his sleepy face goodbye and went for driving class. Parked a couple of times and my driving instructor told me that it wouldn't be bad marrying me, because I'm cute and earn a lot of money. After that I took a long train ride back to Bishan. My dad picked me up just as it started raining and along the way home I jumped out to buy flowers at the market. I picked two yellows and one bunch of white chrysanthemums. At home I took a shower and we waited for the rain to lighten up and then we went to the columbarium to visit my grandmother. For these few weeks while her soul is still hanging around with us, she's being taken care of in a special section of the compound with some of the other recently deceased where food is laid out and incense is lit daily.

We left the flowers in a vase next to her photograph and lit a joss stick each. My mom straightened them out and told me we have to do that otherwise the ashes will fall out of the sides of the pot and get on the table.  

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